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DiShow2009 Contest Gallery |
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Ghost of Dictator
Alexey Sergeev
Caucasian prisoner
Alexey Sergeev
Broken Lunch
Denis Kuznetsov
This is Victory!
Yury Shatikov
Rat Catchers
Alexander Klyuchik
From the developing attack
Igor Mingazov
Calm before the storm. 1941
Nikolay Markov
Good beginning!
Eugeny Antipin
Alexander Nazarenko
The turning point. 1943
Alexey Zhizhin
The difficult case
Vladislav Timonin
Hot January
Anton Kapatsina
Road to Warsaw, August 1944
Maxim Rybalko
Operation Overlord
Igor Mingazov
At the guard
Pavel Kosenko
Fallujah, 2004
Denis Kuznetsov
Forward to Khiva! 1839
Vitaly Borodin
Kampfgruppe 1001 Nacht
Dmitry Sergeev
Inglorious End of Emil
Dmitry Shishkov
Trophy meal is very tasty!
Yury Sazonov
The City of Ruins
Andrew Petrov
There's no Fish!
Dmitry Buchelnikov
Remembrance photo
Alexey Sarozhinsky
O Tannenbaum!...
Alexander Khomenko
Streets of Kharkov
Anton Kulyov
The Point of No Return. Normandy, 1944
Alexey Sarozhinsky
Let's drink for the Victory!
Alexander Khomenko
At the Gates of Babylon
Alexey Sergeev
The Hell. Grozny, January 1995
Nikita Panfilov
Alone in the steppe
Ivan Sekunov
At the approaches to Koenigsberg
Alexey Ant
Liberation of Europe
Igor Mingazov
German SPG and crew
Michael Gunyaev
The Ambush
Alexander Klyuchik
Pyotr Zhuzhukin
Frozen StuG
Igor Mingazov
Poland, 1944
Pyotr Zhuzhukin
It's only fit for a putties...
Alexey Zhizhin
German offencive, 1941
Pyotr Zhuzhukin
Hello Tree...
Dmitry Buchelnikov
Aircraft Dioramas and Vignettes
Mistel 4 (Me-262)
Beken Rzagaliev
Guardsmen on the duty
Alexey Kutovenko
Arado Ar-96B
Vladimir Kuligin
Bf.109G-10, or "Gustav on the parquet"
Alexey Gruzdev
Before the flight
Artyom Kamburyan
"Where the hell are you?!.. Fuehrer is here!.."
Denis Saprykin
Gift for family. New year, 1942
Alexey Sokolov
Preflight briefing. D520
Alexey Sokolov
Preflight briefing. Me-262
Alexey Sokolov
Figures: 1:35 scale
Australian SAS, Vietnam '68
Michael Neradkov
Release '2000
Eugeny Kozhushkov
U.S. tank crewman, Iraq, 2003 (No.2)
Sergey Mulyar
U.S. tank crewman, Iraq, 2003
Sergey Mulyar
Soviet tank crewman
Eugene Pigusov
Red Army cook
Sergey Mulyar
Australian SAS, Vietnam '68
Vyacheslav Demchenko
German ski trooper
Pavel Yakovlev
Wounded Red Army trooper
Michael Osipov
Soviet mountain trooper
Pavel Yakovlev
U.S. Special Forces trooper, Afghanistan, 2001
Andrew Skiba
Dmitry Lavrinenko, Autumn 1941
Sergey Trofimov
Captured for interrogation
Alexander Zelenkov
Air wardens
Igor Shumov
Cigarette break
Alexander Makarov
SS Hauptsturmfuehrer
Michael Malinin
Joseph Stalin
Dmitry Gureev
German paratrooper
Dmitry Shishkov
Luftwaffe pilot
Alexander Klimov
US Navy pilot
Vyacheslav Demchenko
Grenadier, 12th SS Panzer div.
Constantin Pinaev
Soviet tank crewman, summer 1941
Sergey Trofimov
SS Panzergrenadier, Kharkov 1943
Constantin Pinaev
Modern Russian infantryman
Pavel Ilyin
Kuban Cossacks, WWI
Vladimir Simonov
U.S. Navy diver, 1942
Dmitry Gureev
33rd motorised infantry regt. troopers, Grozny, 1995
Anatoly Snitzer
The Last Hero. Sevastopol, July 1942
Dmitry Gureev
Don cossack, 1919-1920
Sergey Korovyakovsky
Figures: 54-75 mm scales
British warrior
Anna Lepskaya
Eugene Pigusov
Polish cavalryman, early XVII century
Eugene Pigusov
Wild Celt
Anna Lepskaya
Norman warlord
Anna Lepskaya
Novgorod home guard warrior, XIV century
Vladimir Simonov
Bishop Warrior
Vladimir Simonov
Sir Louis De Nevers, Count of Flanders
Sergey Popovichenko
Roman legionary, I century A.D.
Ruslan Vorobyov
Sergey Korovyakovsky
Asigaru, 1600
Evgeny Stepanov
Pirate, Madagascar, XVI century
Dmitry Gureev
Horror of the night
Vitaly Vysochin
Varangian on the Russian duty
Michael Gunyaev
Russian warrior
Vitaly Vysochin
Viking, X century
Michael Neradkov
Cornet, Orenburg Cossacks, 1890
Vladimir Simonov
British officer, 71st infantry regt.
Evgeny Stepanov
Roman auxiliary cavalryman
Sergey Popovichenko
Oleg the Prophet
Sergey Popovichenko
In the flame and smoke...
Sergey Korovyakovsky
Officer, 92nd Highlanders, 1809-15
Maxim Veretelnikov
Russian Warrior, XIV century
Ruslan Vorobyov
Andrew Skiba
Figures: large scales
Luftwaffe ace
Polina Evdokimova
Feldmarshal Rommel
Polina Evdokimova
Alea Jacta Est
Artyom Nadolenko
Ruslan Vorobyov
Askari, German colonial troops, 1915
Pavel Prokhorov
Machine gunner, Kampfgruppe Hansen. Ardennes, 1944
Andrew Ignatovich
Feldwebel, Georgian grenadiers regt., 1850
Evgeny Stepanov
European knight, XIV century
Igor Mingazov
English King, VII century A.D.
Sergey Popovichenko
Greek hoplite, IV B.C.
Andrew Ignatovich
All Quiet at the Western Front. The Recruit
Konstantin Kapitonov
Soviet storm trooper, 1945
Dmitry Murashev
German stormtrooper, 1918
Pavel Prokhorov
Burgundian Knight
Ruslan Slyusarenko
Greek Hoplite
Artyom Nadolenko
Small Scales
Mounted Russian standard bearer, XIII-XIV centuries
Andrew Makarenko
Stalker. Raid for artefacts
Vladimir Alferov
With shield or on shield! (final part).
Vladimir Simonov
Hoplite, early V century B.C.
Alexander Yakimov
Chechnya, near Vedeno.
Oleg Gubarev
Spartan hoplite, early V century B.C.
Alexander Yakimov
Jacques the Simpleton, chasseur of 9th light infantry regt.
Maxim Veretelnikov
Russian warrior, XIII A.D.
Alexander Yakimov
British generals, Waterloo, 1815
Maxim Veretelnikov
English archers in action
Sergey Popovichenko
The Breakthrough
Pyotr Batin
With shield or on shield...
Vladimir Simonov
Persian cavalry
Vladimir Simonov
The Duel
Eugene Pigusov
Russian Hussar, Alexandriysky regt., 1812-13
Michael Isakov
The Big Three
Andrew Alexeev
Sculpture and Heavy Conversions
Dmitry Gureev
Ober-Officer, Guard Navy Crew, 1813
Dmitry Gureev
Three tankers
Alexander Zelenkov
Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Cartoons
Volgor, the scull hunter
Ilya Vostrotin
Blue Dragon
Michael Shalgunov
Imperial Assasin, "Eversor" clan
Dmitry Skosyrev
Jena Orechield, Lady Inquisitor
Dmitry Skosyrev
Dmitry Skosyrev
Boss Hog
Sergey Popovichenko
Michael Gunyaev
Cuchulain, Irish mythological hero
Sergey Popovichenko
The Guardians
Alexander Krasnov
Andrew Skiba
Suddenly grown rich goblin
Stanislav Shkap
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
Andrew Ivanov
Soviet Home Guard soldier
Alexey Schyukin
Soviet infantryman, 1943-45
Alexey Schyukin
The War and the Peace
Eric Anilov
Hans, fire!
Victor Chichuk
The Thirst
Vasily Fokin
Pioneer, the Old Guards, 1812-15
Alexey Andriyanov
Greek hoplite, V century A.D.
Maxim Volkov
Defensive line of Reich
Alexander Brykalov
German tank crewman
Michael Osipov
Maxim Rybalko
The last raid
Sergey Antonov
Alexander Makarov
Under the fire
Anatoly Snitzer
On the road
Alexander Shishov
Abandoned hut, Chernobyl
Stanislav Shkap
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