General provisions
Contest is opened and voluntary. Any person can take part with their work as long as it adequates the theme and requirements of competition.
Contest accepts new (not published earlier on Diorama.ru) works and works published later then 01.12.2009. Only such works may take part in main competition. Works published on Diorama.ru earlier then 01.12.2009 can be display in the category "Hors Concours". This applies to only works previously published on this site. Works published on other sites may take part in this competition.
Works are accepted for this contest as entries between 1.12.2010 to 28.02.2011 inclusive. For publication of work it's necessary to send photos and short description of work to the Gallery according to our rules descripted in F.A.Q. section. E-mail must contain phrase "to the War in the Desert contest" or other understandable note in title (subject).
Only the work entered representing the war in North Africa during 1940-1943 and corresponding subjects are considered. Participation in competition designates the automatic agreement with all rules.
Work Categories
One participant can enter no more than three works in one category. The quantity of categories in which the participant can be entered, is not limited. In case the participant has sent more than three works in any of categories, excess works (based on the decision of the Jury) will be placed out of main competition in the "Hors Concours" nomination.
Works of an entry level are published in a "Juniors" nomination. Each participant has the right to enter the work as suitable for the basic category or junior, but the final decision is that of the Jury. In the case there is difficultly of determining a genre of work (the figure on a base or a vignette), the final decision will be made by the Jury. Judges have the right to place any work in another category despite where it was entered and despite any similarities it has to other categories. Thus the Jury will be guided by what characteristic prevail in the work.
The same work cannot participate simultaneously in two categories completely or partially (e.g. one entry cannot be enter as a figure and simultaneously as a diorama with the same entry). In case where the participant enters a work in as a figure at the beginning of the competition but has finished a diorama during the competition placing the figure in that work, the item will be removed from the figure category.
Judging the competition
Judging the competition is conducted in two ways. Jury will be voting on the basic and special prizes and there will also be a viewers voting conducted by site members. Viewers voting will be conducted on the forum of Diorama.ru.
Technical questions
The processing of the image (Photoshop, etc.) is subjected to following restrictions and can be used only in the following:
- cropping and resizing of photos;
- correction of sharpness (in reasonable limits);
- the general correction of brightness and contrast if mistakes occur at the moment of shooting the image;
- the general correction of white balance in case that it was set incorrectly at shooting;
- creation of collages by means of installation in Photoshop;
- retouching of a background and any subjects in the image not the work itself;
We expect that Photoshop will not be used to conceal the shortcomings of painting etc. Any precedents of this kind may lead to the disqualification of work.