
Brick buildings | Wooden town buildings | Ruinous brick buildings | Ruinous ferroconcrete buildings | Wooden huts and barns | Adobe huts | Windmills |Details
Interiors | Pavement | Hatch covers | Power line poles | Electric wiring | Gate, wickets, doors | Tapping cocks | Wells | Fences | Sites of fire | Bullet holes on walls |Transport
Bridges | Roadsigns | Waggons |Houshold Items
Irons | Sewing machines |Fortification
Machine gun pillboxes | Coastal fortification | Antipersonnel barrages | Antitank barrages | Antitank obstacles | Castles |Germany and Austria

Many-storied city buildings | Stone low buildings | Halftimber houses | Other low buildings | Walls | Castles and mansions | Churches | Ruinous buildings | Reichstag | Factories | Water towers |Details
Interiors | Statues, street altars, fountains, wells | Pavement | Nameboards, signboards | Inscriptions ads, leaflets on the walls | Vine industry |Transport
Bridges | Railroad stations | Railroad cars |Houshold Items
Ovens | Record players and radio sets | Cookware | Beer barrels | Miscellaneous |France