Sector 46
The kits I have used are: Industria Mechanika, Remora and Waldo The welding crew: Royal Model. Tools kit: Italeri
The paints are mostly Vallejo acrilic with some Humbrols Enamel. The pipes are ordinary 25mm aquarium PVC pipes with diff kind of joints. As for the weathering, I use homemade stuff graphite, oil colors mixtures. The water is trasparent silicone with blue underpaint and some white end blue addons on top for the wawes and shading effects. Thats it basically. The Industria Mechanika kits are made from the imagination of scottish Ian McCue, an excelent scottish illustrator/painter.
Work Discussion (comments: 7)
27.11.15 [19:30]
Тимофей Карлов ( Из бездны вселенной. )
Очень интересная работа,только мне не совсем понятна задумка. Что за сюжет? Это постапокалипсис? Мне ваша работа почему-то фильм "Водный мир" с Кевином Костнером напомнило