Gods of War

- 1st place: Zdeněk Petrovíč, Greetings for NVA
- 2nd place: Boris Karaev, Artillerymen. Northern Russia, 1941
- 3rd place: Ricky Wong, Guess your master must have left in a hurry
- 3rd place: Žatkovič Milan, Blitzkrieg. Russia, 1941
- 1st Viewers Prize: Boris Karaev, Artillerymen. Northern Russia, 1941
- 2nd Viewers Prize: Zdeněk Petrovíč, Greetings for NVA
- 3rd Viewers Prize: Žatkovič Milan, Blitzkrieg. Russia, 1941
- 3rd Viewers Prize: Dmitry Krasnikov, Portrait of the Hero
- 1st place: Alexey Ulyanischev, Before the storm
- 2nd place: Alexey Gruzdev, 10 Inch Seacoast Mortar (American Civil War, 1860)
- 3rd place: Alexander Nazarkin, The last chance
- 1st Viewers Prize: Alexey Gruzdev, 10 Inch Seacoast Mortar (American Civil War, 1860)
- 2nd Viewers Prize: Victor Novikov, The Man and the Gun
- 2nd Viewers Prize: Alexander Nazarkin, The last chance
Figures: 1:35 scale
- Diploma by Jury: Michael Osipov, European artilleryman, 15th A.D.
- 1st place: Eric Pudans, Soviet 45mm AT gun and crew
- 2nd place: Vladimir Pshyk, Charge of Cossacks. 1914, Eastern Prussia.
- 3rd place: Ilias Chalkidis, Cherkassy Pocket, February 1944
- 1st Viewers Prize: Eric Pudans, Soviet 45mm AT gun and crew
- 2nd Viewers Prize: Vladimir Pshyk, Charge of Cossacks. 1914, Eastern Prussia.
- 3rd Viewers Prize: Ilias Chalkidis, Cherkassy Pocket, February 1944