About Diorama.Ru

Diorama.ru was established on September 9, 2003. This is a project devoted to the military miniatures and diorama modelling. Currently, Diorama.ru is one of the most popular Russian modelling sites with a daily count of several thousands visitors worldwide.

We are doing our best to make the site more interesting and informative. We are about to organize contests, develop our English version and a new submission system. Just keep in touch - you won’t be disappointed.


The Gallery contains works made and submitted by our visitors. The Gallery has 5 subsections:

Dioramas and Vignettes
Diorama is a scene or composition with a plot or idea and environment (nature, city, ruins etc.). A "vignette" term is generally denotes something bigger than a single figure but smaller in size than a diorama.

Examples of dioramas: «Triumphal arch», «LRRP», «Coming Back to Kharkov».
Examples of vignettes: «Just a second...», «Vikings duel», «Crete, 1941».

Single display figures, series of single figures, busts.

Any figures sculpted by our authors. The paintjob is not required in this section.

This section is devoted to various works that don't fit other sections, such as fantasy, sci-fi and other non-historic figures and dioramas, flat miniatures and custom finished action figures.

Examples: «Master Yoda», «Lost», «Orc Warboss on the wyvern».

Training Grounds
We welcome not only experienced modellers but beginners too! Feel free to send your works but be ready to receive a portion of criticism and advice on how to promote your skills and techniques.

Examples: «For the Motherland!»,

Image Library

Here we exhibit various materials which might be useful in the process of diorama modelling. Most of the stuff dates back to the times of World War Two, though all the photos were taken presently. We will be grateful for your cooperation in adding new content by sending us photos of old buildings, constructions and other rarities, especially from locations ever touched by war.


This section contains following three areas here:

Detailed and illustrated reviews of new figures and diorama accessories kits. Priority is given to the Russian products.

Currently only in Russian. Detailed articles describing the process of creating a diorama, vignette or figure conversion.

Currently only in Russian. Description of various technologies and know-how of diorama and figure modelling.